Hello, one person can apply to register two trademarks at the same time. Whether a company or an individual applies for a registrar, they can apply to register two or more trademarks at the same time. Currently, there is no limit on the number of applications for registered trademarks.
When registering a trademark, you can register only one registered trademark and use it on the approved goods; you can also register two or more trademarks at the same time or one after another and use it on the same approved goods. When two or more registered trademarks are used on one product, they are generally used together in the form of primary and secondary trademarks. That is to say, if the main trademark remains unchanged, another trademark will be used for each new product or model launched.
There is no limit to the number of trademark applications, but trademarks are divided into categories. There are 45 trademark categories. Generally, a trademark registered in a category is counted as one trademark. Submit an application form. , that is, one table and one category. When applying to register two trademarks, it is necessary to determine the trademark category based on the company's business development direction and costs.
A professional trademark agency, Top Brand Intellectual Property has professional trademark knowledge, understands relevant laws and regulations, is familiar with the process of applying for trademark registration, and has rich trademark application experience, which can effectively avoid problems in the process of applying for trademark registration. Even if there is a problem, it can be solved in time. Professional and reliable, efficient and fast, saving time, effort and worry!