Shoe shine tools belong to the 2112 group of trademark classification 21.
According to statistics from, there are 9 registered trademarks for shoe polishing tools. How to choose other minor categories when registering: There is 1 trademark selected for registration (comb, group number: 2107), and the registration ratio reaches 11.11%. There is 1 trademark registered in the (sponge, group number: 2112) category, accounting for 11.11%. There is 1 trademark selected for registration in the category (Dry Cloth for Cleaning Glassware (Household Use), Group Number: 2112), accounting for 11.11%. There is 1 trademark selected for registration (water spray device for cleaning teeth and gums, group number: 2108), accounting for 11.11%. There is 1 trademark selected for registration (skin care and beauty appliances not belonging to other categories, group number: 2110), accounting for 11.11%.
There is 1 trademark selected for registration (brush, group number: 2107), accounting for 11.11%. There is 1 trademark registered in the category (shoe polishing tools, group number: 2107), accounting for 11.11%. There is 1 trademark registered in the (dishcloth, group number: 2112) category, accounting for 11.11%. There is 1 trademark selected for registration in the (dish-drying cloth, group number: 2112) category, accounting for 11.11%.