Trademarks are used by producers and operators of goods on the goods they produce, manufacture, process, select or distribute, or by service providers on the services they provide, to distinguish goods or services. Origin: a sign with distinctive characteristics consisting of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, sounds, color combinations, or a combination of the above elements, and is a product of modern economy.
Patent literally refers to exclusive rights and interests. The word "patent" comes from the Latin word Litterae patentes, which means a public letter or public document. It was used by medieval monarchs to prove certain privileges, and later referred to the exclusive rights certificate signed by the British king himself.
Copyright (English name: copyright) refers to the rights (including property rights and personal rights) that authors of literary, artistic, and scientific works enjoy over their works. Copyright is a type of intellectual property that consists of works in the natural sciences, social sciences, and literature, music, drama, painting, sculpture, photography, and cinematography.