1. Identification of ineffective pesticides 1. Observation method (1) If powder pesticides, such as trichlorfon, dimethoate, etc., form lumps or are kneaded into balls by hand, it means that they have been affected by moisture, resulting in reduced effectiveness or Invalid. (2) Observe the hygroscopicity. For example, for Zinc powder, take a cup of water, add 1 gram of pesticide, mix thoroughly, and let it sit for half an hour. If the liquid is turbid, it indicates that it has not deteriorated. If it is mostly turbid, it can be used. If emulsifiable concentrate pesticides such as 50 phoxim, 2.5 phoxim, etc. appear oil-water stratification or flocculent sedimentation, it means that the drug is ineffective. 2. For wettable powders such as carbendazim, thiophanate methyl, etc. by precipitation method, take 50 grams and pour it into a transparent cup. First add a little water to make a paste, then add water and stir evenly. The undeteriorated pesticide powder will be fine. , suspended, sedimentation is slow and less, and deteriorated pesticides sedimentation is fast and large. 3. Heating method: For water solvents and emulsifiable concentrate pesticides that have precipitated, heat the liquid in a hot bath for 1-1.5 hours. You will see that the ineffective pesticides precipitate and dissolve, and the effective pesticide precipitates are easily dissolved. 2. Identification of fake pesticides 1. Burning method For powdered pesticides, place 4-5 grams on a hot metal sheet. If white smoke comes out, it proves that the drug is invalid or fake. 2. Packaging identification method: Generally, the packaging of counterfeit pesticides is rough. For example, the packaging form does not meet the requirements for storage, transportation and use, the outer packaging has no moisture-proof layer, and the inner packaging is simple and easy to damage. 3. Label identification method: Real pesticides are marked with non-fading colors, such as herbicides - green, plant growth regulators - dark yellow, insecticides - red, and fungicides - black. In addition, the label should include product name, specifications, net weight, manufacturer name, pesticide registration number, instructions for use, product standard number, precautions, production date, batch number or toxicity mark. 4. Appearance and odor identification method: Zinc: The commercial type is 80th generation Zinc wettable powder, which is white or light yellow powder with a smell of rotten eggs. Dimethoate butter: brown or yellow-brown, transparent liquid with a mercaptan odor. 50 phoxim emulsifiable concentrate: It is a brown oily substance with a slightly pungent odor. Butachlor: light blue liquid with aromatic smell. 2.5 Antimicrobial emulsifiable concentrate: Appearance is light yellow to yellow-brown transparent liquid with a slight fishy smell. 80% dichlorvos emulsifiable concentrate: Appears as a light yellow to yellow-brown transparent liquid with a pungent odor. 45 Trifluralin: The liquid is red and turns yellow after being mixed with water. 25. Wettable powder with more than 50 bacteria: brown vegetable pine powder with a slight odor. Herbicidal ether: the powder is dark brown powder, and the wettable powder is light yellow powder.