A domain name is the address of a website.
Domain name is the address of the website, which is the key to find your website. Having one's own domain name is the first condition for building a website.
The server is the headquarters of the website.
The server is the headquarters of the website. Without it, the website can't run. At present, the mainstream server types in the market are virtual host, VPS and independent server. For personal websites, virtual hosting is enough to meet the demand.
Differences between domestic and foreign servers
Domestic servers need to be filed in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to open websites. However, foreign servers can directly open the website without filing. After purchasing the server space, bind the domain name in the background, upload the website program, and your website can be officially launched.
Select the appropriate server and domain name.
In the process of building a website, it is very important to choose the appropriate server and domain name. I hope these materials can help you better understand the basic composition and operation mode of the website.