Legal analysis: If a registered trademark ceases to be used for three consecutive years, the Trademark Office will revoke its registered trademark. "Any person who commits the act of Article 44 (4) of the Trademark Law may apply to the Trademark Office to cancel the registered trademark and explain the relevant circumstances. The Trademark Office shall notify the trademark registrant, and the trademark registrant shall have a limited period of time from the date of receipt of the notice. Submit evidence of the use of the trademark before the cancellation application is submitted within 2 months or explain the legitimate reasons for non-use; if no evidence of use is provided within the period or the evidence is invalid and there is no legitimate reason, the Trademark Office will revoke the registered trademark. .
Legal basis: "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 49: The trademark registrant shall change the registered trademark, If the registrant's name, address or other registration information is changed, the local industrial and commercial administration department shall order it to make corrections within a time limit; if the registrant fails to make corrections within the time limit, the Trademark Office shall revoke the registered trademark if it becomes the common name of the goods approved for use or there is no legitimate reason. If it has not been used for three consecutive years, any unit or individual may apply to the Trademark Office to cancel the registered trademark. The Trademark Office shall make a decision within nine months from the date of receipt of the application. If there are special circumstances that require an extension, it shall be approved by the State Council for Industry and Commerce. It may be extended for three months with the approval of the administrative department.
Article 50 If a registered trademark is revoked, declared invalid or will not be renewed upon expiration, the period shall be extended within one year from the date of cancellation, declaration of invalidity or cancellation. , the Trademark Office will not approve trademark registration applications that are identical or similar to this trademark.