First of all, what is the definition of luxury goods? If compared with China, in terms of price, Adidas, Nike and other products can be considered luxury goods to varying degrees, and Estee Lauder and Chanel cosmetics can also be ranked among luxury goods. But as far as these are concerned, the price in Russia is not high, and some ordinary families can basically use them. They wear a lot of Adidas and Nike when walking on the road.
Once I went out with a friend and I asked her what brand of cosmetics she used. She took out her cosmetic bag and found that the only brand she used that was slightly more expensive was Max Factor lipstick, which is equivalent to RMB 40. ~50. From this point of view, they do not respect luxury goods. Let’s talk about slightly larger luxury goods, such as luxury bags and cars.
Imagine Russia, a fighting nation, is either a modified and show-off artifact with a motor sound that resounds throughout the street, or a Toyota with scars. Of course, these are special cases. Generally speaking, common cars are not particularly new, and there are many Japanese cars. BMWs and Benzes are rarely seen, and Land Rover is slightly seen. Having said all this, it does not mean that Russians don’t like luxury goods. Who doesn’t want to enjoy a better quality of life?
However, given their current consumption levels, they do not advocate luxury consumption that exceeds their capabilities. However, since I can’t consume W+ Chanel Lv, should I carry this trademark? Then there is a universal copycat. From what I personally see, the phenomenon of copycats is slightly better than that in China.
Let’s talk about where to buy it. There are still many choices for luxury goods such as watches, clothing, and cosmetics in ordinary cities. But you still have to go to Moscow and Petersburg to buy luxury bags, because some ordinary cities do not have physical stores for brand-name bags. Therefore, for people with a salary of 3k+-, it is basically impossible to buy bags worth more than 1w.