Cross-border electronic commerce platform
"Cross-border e-commerce platform"
Cross-border electronic commerce platform
Question 2: How do you say Ali Cross-border E-commerce Research Center in English?
Question 3: Rules, how to say "cross-border e-commerce" in English?
Hope to adopt, thank you!
Question 4: Cross-border e-commerce junior talent certification Cross-border e-commerce certification?
Certification of junior talents in cross-border electronic commerce
Question 5: How do you say cross-border transactions in English?
[Network] Cross-border transactions; Cross-border transactions; Cross-border transactions; Cross-border supply;
The stock market believes that there will be more and more cross-border transactions.
The stock market believes that there will be more cross-border transactions.
Question 6: Cross-border e-commerce needs new trade rules. How to say "cross-border e-commerce" in English?
Cross-border power suppliers need new trade rules. Cross-border power suppliers
Question 7: Chuanshen Company has a subsidiary that is engaged in cross-border e-commerce. The English abbreviation is CBEC. What is the whole battle? Cross-border electronic commerce, I've heard of it. They organized an Optical Valley Forum in Wu Hanyou. Pretty awesome.
Question 8: List of cross-border e-commerce retail imports. This is translated into English: the retail import list of cross-border power suppliers.
-I hope I can help you. If you are satisfied, please accept it.
Question 9: How do cross-border e-commerce logistics salesmen say it in English?
Logistics business of cross-border power suppliers
Question 10: Do cross-border e-commerce need to use English extensively? Let's get something to eat. I'm a little hungry.