After the trademark registration is accepted, the trademark cannot be used immediately.
Trademark registration acceptance means that the trademark registration application has been accepted by the Trademark Registration Office and preliminary examination has begun. Trademark registration is not officially approved until the Trademark Registration Office conducts a substantive examination of the application.
During the trademark registration process, you can use the "TM" symbol to indicate the trademark application status. "TM" stands for Trademark, which means that you are applying for trademark registration but have not yet received formal approval.
However, caution is required before using trademarks. Acceptance of trademark registration does not mean that you can use the trademark under any circumstances. Before using a trademark, it is recommended that you conduct a thorough trademark search and due diligence to ensure that your trademark does not infringe on the trademark rights of others.
Once your trademark passes substantive examination and is officially approved by the Trademark Registration Office, you will receive a Trademark Registration Certificate. After obtaining the trademark registration certificate, you can start using the trademark on your goods or services and use the "_" symbol to indicate that the trademark has been officially registered.
Please note that the specific procedures and requirements for trademark registration may vary by country or region. During the trademark registration process, it is recommended that you consult your local trademark registration office or a professional trademark agency for accurate guidance and information.
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