There are many brands of Red Dragonfly, including Italian Red Dragonfly, Taiwan Red Dragonfly, Zhejiang Red Dragonfly, and Hong Kong Red Dragonfly. In fact, none of these brands are fake, they just borrow the popularity of big brands. The best of these brands is Italian Red Dragonfly, while other brands are just average. There is a dragonfly logo on the box. Try to go to a specialty store to buy. Women's leather shoes have spare heels, and each pair of shoes has a number on the inside. To identify genuine and fake leather shoes, you can use your fingers to press the edge of the upper near the sole. The small and uniform wrinkles appear on the cowhide, but it is not obvious on high-quality cowhide shoes. There are more cowhide shoes of other leathers. After you release your fingers, the fine and uniform wrinkles will appear. The lines will disappear. Synthetic leather shoes will not have wrinkles or disappear naturally.