The process is: trademark search; preparation of application documents; submission of application; payment of trademark registration fees; trademark formal review; issuance of trademark acceptance notice; trademark substantive review; trademark announcement; issuance of trademark certificate, usually within Two to three years.
Legal Analysis
The process of trademark registration includes trademark inquiry, application submission, trademark review, preliminary review announcement, and successful certification. Under normal circumstances, it takes about 3 months for the Trademark Office to issue an acceptance notice; the trademark review time is 9 months; the preliminary announcement period is 3 months; and the entire time for trademark registration to be completed is about 15 months. Trademark registration is the prerequisite and condition for a trademark user to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark. Only trademarks that have been approved and registered are protected by law. The official fee for one trademark application is 300 yuan. You can choose 10 categories of goods or services. If there are less than 10 categories, an official fee of 300 yuan will still be charged. For more than 10 categories, the official fee will be 30 yuan per category. Before October 1, 2013, the official fee for each application for providing a trademark registration certificate was 1,000 yuan, which was adjusted to 800 yuan per application on October 1, 2013. As of October 15, 2015, the price will be adjusted to 600 yuan per item. Effective from April 1, 2017, the fee has been reduced from the original 600 yuan to 300 yuan. Trademark agency fee: If you entrust a trademark agency to handle the matter, you will need to pay a different amount of trademark agency fees. The market price is around 600--800 yuan. Trademark registration plays a very important role in the operation of a company. A good trademark is of great significance to the sales of a company's products and increasing its visibility. Under normal circumstances, trademark registration should be done by the company or enterprise based on the actual situation of the unit. Apply to the trademark registration management department in accordance with relevant laws. After passing review and publicity, you can obtain the right to use the trademark.
Legal Basis
Article 9 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China The trademark applied for registration shall have distinctive features and be easy to identify, and shall not be obtained previously with others. conflict with legal rights. The trademark registrant has the right to indicate "registered trademark" or registered mark.