Tenth Class Trademark Catalog:
1001 Surgical, medical and veterinary instruments, instruments and equipment (excluding electronic, nuclear, electrotherapy and medical X-ray equipment, instruments and instruments ).
1002 Dental equipment and appliances.
1003 Medical electronic, nuclear, electrotherapy and X-ray equipment.
1004 Assistive devices, equipment and supplies for medical use.
1005 Pacifier, bottle.
1006 Contraceptive products.
1007 Prosthetics, wigs and prosthetic organs.
1008 Orthopedic supplies.
1009 Materials for suturing. Trademarks are used by producers and operators of goods on the goods they produce, manufacture, process, select or distribute, or by service providers on the services they provide. They are used to distinguish the source of goods or services and consist of words, graphics , letters, numbers, three-dimensional logos, sounds, color combinations, or combinations of the above elements, signs with distinctive characteristics are the product of the modern economy. In the commercial field, trademarks include words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional logos and color combinations, as well as combinations of the above elements, which can be applied for registration as trademarks.