1. Generally speaking, overdue repayment of credit cards, malicious overdraft of credit cards, illegal cashing of credit cards and illegal use of credit cards will all affect personal credit. Although credit cards will not be affected for the time being, if sleep card shows too much in the credit report, banks will consider the needs or integrity of cardholders, which will reduce the success rate of credit card approval to some extent.
If the credit card is not used for a long time, it will still generate an annual fee. If we ignore this point, it is likely that the credit card will be in arrears and then overdue, resulting in a bad credit record and affecting personal credit information.
3. Although not using a credit card can't directly affect personal credit information, bad credit cards will expire because there is no annual fee, so I suggest that if you really don't want to use this credit card, you'd better cancel it at the same time to prevent information from leaking and protect the safety of using the card.
The above is the question I found for you about whether using a credit card will affect your personal credit information. I hope it will help you.