Generally, if a credit card fails to repay more than three times, you can apply for a credit card but the amount is small, or you can borrow money, but the interest is high. Those who repay more than six times or fail to repay once will be blacklisted, and you can't apply for credit cards and loans.
For the purpose of illegal possession, if the cardholder overdraws beyond the prescribed limit or term, and fails to return it for more than three months after being urged twice by the issuing bank, it will be regarded as "malicious overdraft". Refers to the provisions of the criminal law, malicious overdraft of credit cards of more than 5,000 yuan constitutes a crime of credit card fraud and can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than 3 years; Malicious overdraft of more than 50,000 yuan and less than 200,000 yuan is a huge amount, and may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than 5 years 10 years; More than 200,000 yuan is a huge amount, and the sentence exceeds 10 years.