2. If you don't take photos or leave messages, you can say that the cell phone signal is bad or busy when you ask, and ask him to call back later to give yourself time to think back.
3. If the bank staff asks why the monthly income is different from the total annual income, and the calculation is wrong, they can answer that there are other assets besides wages. Usually this answer is enough, and they won't ask again.
If you ask some questions you don't know, don't be smart. At this time, honesty is the best choice. If you know, answer the question. Say you don't know if you don't know. Don't make it up yourself. Bank employees don't drink at dinner parties. Listen to you.
Receiving a return call shows that your qualifications are not bad and you have passed the bank's audit process. As long as there are no problems during the conversation, the credit card is stable.