Indeed not. Some small payments don’t even require a signature. Credit card Credit card, the key is that credit is not a card. Foreign banks have invested heavily in data analysis to combat fraud, both for cardholders and merchants. If the cardholder has objections to a certain tip, he or she can apply for a chargeback. After the bank reviews it, if it is true, the fee will be written off. Correspondingly, the merchant's credit is damaged. If it is not true, the cardholder's credit will be damaged. Credit records are widely shared in various industries, and the government also provides some credit information through tax records, etc., so credit has become the lifeline of everyone. The vast majority of people cherish their credit records and dare not break their trust casually. If a cardholder makes unusual purchases, they will generally receive a phone call from the bank to verify the payment to prevent fraud. In addition, most consumers support returns without reason, forming a benign credit environment. Adding a PIN to a credit card is a way for a bank to pass on the risk that the bank should bear to the cardholder. The focus is on the card rather than the credit. Ps, it’s really tiring to answer questions on my mobile phone.