Warm reminder: 1, don't set the password too simply. If so, please don't use "123456" or the 6-digit same number; 2. At present, the password function of the credit card is only applicable to the physical card transactions of UnionPay lines at home and abroad.
Please log in to the credit card website/,click "Online Banking Login" on the right, enter your ID number, inquiry password and additional code, then log in to online banking, set the transaction password of your card in Card Management-Transaction Password Management, and enable the cash advance function. Warm reminder: 1, don't set the password too simply. If so, please don't use "123456" or the 6-digit same number; 2. There will be corresponding handling fee and interest when withdrawing money.
If you have any other questions, I suggest you consult "Customer Service Online" /cmu/icslogin.aspx? from = B& amp; Logincmu=0. Thank you for your attention and support!