Credit cards are now very common in our lives, almost to the point where everyone has one. However, after some people apply for a credit card, they will buy luxury goods without restraint, resulting in excessive credit card debt, and eventually the credit card will be overdue. After the credit card is overdue, you will face various troubles. The first is the bank's credit card collection, which is what we often call collection. What is the bank collection process?
1. Bank collection process
When the credit card is overdue for a few days, the owner of the credit card will receive a text message and a call from the bank’s customer service, asking him to repay the loan. The attitude is very A gentle one may have a better tone. If you ignore the repayment text message, there will be specialized bank collection personnel who will collect the money from you, and the personnel's attitude will be more serious. If the bank calls you and fails to repay, it will be handed over to the legal department. The attitude will be very tough and they will threaten you with a lawyer's letter. If you fail to repay after threatening collection, the bank will report it to the central bank for credit reporting, causing a credit stain, which will have an impact on your future loans and card applications, and bank services will close the door to you.
2. What will happen if you don’t pay it back?
If you never repay the loan, the bank will package the case and sell it to a collection company, which will collect the money from you. The collection company is relatively standardized and will ask you to repay the loan. Failure to repay will have some impact on your life. If you continue to fail to repay and the amount you owe is still large, the bank will use legal weapons to protect its rights. After a court ruling, it will force you to repay and list you as a dishonest person. list. Therefore, you must repay the credit card after using it. If you do not repay, you will face a series of troubles.
3. Summary
So if you don’t have that much repayment ability, you must be more restrained when using credit cards, and don’t spend too much and cause the credit card to expire. We must know that bank debts must be repaid. If you do not repay, the bank will also blacklist you and you will not be able to handle business in the bank, so repaying on time is correct.