If you still cannot pay off your credit card, you can apply to the bank for minimum repayment or deferred repayment. If the overdraft amount reaches more than 50,000 yuan for the purpose of illegal possession, and the card-issuing bank still fails to return it after two collections for more than 3 months, it is suspected of malicious overdraft. Regarding the question of whether someone who owes more than RMB 50,000 on a credit card will definitely be sentenced to prison. 1. Will someone who owes more than RMB 50,000 on a credit card be sentenced to jail? If the credit card owes more than RMB 50,000, the bank may sue the bank if it is a malicious overdue or malicious overdraft. People can go to jail. Generally speaking, banks will not sue directly for credit card debts. They will first call to collect. If the cardholder never answers the phone, or fails to cooperate with the bank, and then fails to repay, the amount owed will be compared. If the amount is too high, the bank may choose to sue. Although in general lending relationships, even if sued, it is a civil case and does not require jail time. However, if it involves malicious overdue or malicious overdraft, it will become a criminal case. If the lawsuit is successful, the cardholder will be fined. Need to go to jail.
2. What will happen if a credit card is overdue and is sued? 1. The bank’s continuous reminders (1) When a borrower overdues payment, the bank’s credit card customer service center will first make multiple phone calls; (2) ) If the payment is still not made, the bank will entrust a third party to collect, usually through continuous phone calls, text messages, or even door-to-door collection; (3) If the payment is not repaid after repeated calls, the bank will file a lawsuit in court. 2. If the bank sues the cardholder and is unable to apply for a loan, the cardholder will be added to the credit blacklist and unable to apply for a loan. The court will collect the money. After receiving the court summons, after investigation and persuasion, the cardholder will be urged to repay. However, if the cardholder refuses to repay, The court can take enforcement action; subsequently, the court will liquidate the cardholder's assets to repay the card debt and freeze the relevant property. 3. Malicious default will lead to imprisonment and fines (1) If a credit card is overdue for three months, it can be regarded as a malicious overdraft penalty. However, if you communicate with the bank in advance and prove your repayment ability and repayment plan, you will generally not face penalties. criminal responsibility. (2) However, the court has ruled that cardholders who still do not return may face three years in prison and fines in serious cases. In particularly serious cases, they may face longer term imprisonment of three to seven years and fines.
3. What are the consequences of overdue credit card payments? 1. Bad credit record; 2. Interest: calculated at 50,000 per day; 3. Liquidated damages; 4. Malicious credit card overdrafts may also face criminal charges Punishment; 5. Being blacklisted by the bank.
Reminder: You may not go to jail if you owe 50,000 on your credit card. If we are indeed unable to fully repay the loan, we can apply for installment repayment or minimum repayment. If we adopt these two methods of repayment, we will need to pay a certain amount of interest to the bank.