Since you have a credit card before, you can try to apply for Guangfa or Everbright. Because the first credit card is the foundation, the second credit card may have a higher credit limit. After 6 months of card issuance, credit cards are frequently swiped, and the total monthly bill expenditure exceeds at least 30%, and your credit limit will be greatly improved.
Then there are Ping An and CITIC credit cards, because they all refer to the maximum amount of existing credit cards. At this time, the benefits of using the card to do the card will appear. Then there is Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, mainly because he doesn't care about debts and pays more attention to the use of credit cards. Moreover, in recent years, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank has vigorously promoted activities, and many businesses have preferential treatment.
Finally, the big boss is actually four big banks, and in no particular order. Generally speaking, it is a good thing to be able to do it. Can prove that your credit is good and your card habit is good!