Ji Bolun once said: "Forgetting is a kind of freedom". Seeing this sentence, I paused and pondered the inner meaning of this sentence. Yes, only by forgetting all the joys and sorrows can my heart and brain return to the original tranquility and simplicity. Only by forgetting it can I face my surroundings happily and smile at life. In the journey that has passed, think carefully about whether those who have hurt you and cheated you have forgotten to get happiness and freedom, and whether they will be upset and pondered heavily because of the impulse at that time. If you go your own way by acting, you can only say that you are immature, he is not necessarily a good person, and some punishments are not our turn. After all, there are legal weapons or moral condemnation.
Sometimes things are not what you think. You can easily see from the outside and make a decision, but the airtight world is full of dangers, so sometimes we still need to relax and don't let him wear you out easily. Hehe, that's a little beside the point. Let's get down to business. In fact, in the process of injury, deception and behavior, we will definitely be hurt to varying degrees here. More importantly, we know how to forgive, understand, see through and analyze. Although these understandings are intangible, they enrich people's thoughts and inner feelings and are practical for life. For example, you were walking when suddenly a dog bit you. I think your choice must be to go to the hospital as soon as possible, instead of taking the time to get back at the dog. Further, if you find it, give it a good beating, and look at the place where you bit, it will still leave traces. To reason with someone who is unworthy or ignorant is to argue with the devil.
Forgetting is the road to freedom. The best revenge for injury is that we try to live a better life, so it is painful for those who intentionally hurt you. If it is unintentional injury, your success and smoothness will also free his conscience.