If a bank card is stolen, it depends on the circumstances of the theft. If the bank is responsible, even if the bank denies or refuses, it can still compensate through the law. However, if the bank card is stolen due to personal reasons, how can the responsibility be placed on the bank? It is definitely your own responsibility, and the bank will not compensate you.
It is very simple. If it is proved that there are loopholes in the bank card, there is real theft, or if there are flaws in online banking, USB shield, etc., it is not safe and the customer's bank card is stolen. For problems such as bank hardware facilities and system vulnerabilities, the bank must be responsible and compensate! Choosing a bank is not just because of its simple function of saving money, but also because of its safety, stability and responsibility. If compensation is not made because of the bank's responsibility, the impact on the bank will be great. More customers will choose to distrust, and a concentrated run may occur. The biggest impact will be on the bank!
Of course, the security factor of the banking system, bank online banking, and U-shield is extremely high now. Although the existence of loopholes in banks cannot be ruled out, you still need to consider whether you have protected bank cards. question. Whether the bank card is lost, whether a phishing website is opened while surfing the Internet, whether the U-shield is lost, the password of the bank card is leaked, etc., these are all situations where the bank card may be stolen. If the bank card is stolen due to this situation, then it is your own responsibility, not the bank's responsibility. After all, it is your own fault. Then, in this case, the bank does not need to make compensation.
I find it useful and hope it will be adopted!