Cash advance means using a credit card to withdraw cash. If you use our bank's credit card to borrow cash, please log in to the credit card online banking or call the 400820555 service hotline to activate the cash withdrawal function and set a transaction password. The total amount of cash withdrawals generally does not exceed 50% of your credit limit. For specific amounts, please log in to online banking or call the credit card service hotline 4008205555 to inquire. Credit card withdrawals (cash advance) are made through ATM machines. The handling fee for domestic withdrawals is 1% of the cash advance amount, and the minimum charge is RMB 10 per transaction. Cash advance transactions do not enjoy the interest-free repayment treatment. Interest will be charged at a daily interest rate of 0.5% from the transaction date to the repayment date, and compound interest will be charged on a monthly basis.
If you have any other questions about China Merchants Bank’s credit card, you can add the credit card QQ corporate customer service (4008205555) or WeChat (China Merchants Bank Credit Card Center) for consultation. Thank you for your attention and support to China Merchants Bank!