please confirm whether your Taobao green card is successfully bound to your AliPay number before using it. If not, please apply for an Alipay account and go to the counter to ask the attendant to help bind it (and the Alipay account name must be the same as that of the green card holder before binding)
When the green card and Alipay number are bound, the bank attendant will bind your mobile phone number together (so that the mobile phone can get the verification code when it is convenient to pay). The mobile phone number must also be bound correctly
If it is completed, please confirm whether your Alipay account and your Taobao account are bound. If it is not bound to Taobao payment, it is impossible to complete the payment.
AliPay, Taobao and Green Card are all bound before trading in Taobao. Please check whether you meet the requirements.
How to use Taobao Green Card: First, you click on the baby you want to buy and then click "Pay Now". After choosing the right address, there will be a payment option for you. When you choose postal payment and click "Confirm", it will show that the verification code has been sent to your mobile phone. At this time, you wait for the verification code of your mobile phone to be correctly filled in on the web page and confirm it. If it is filled in correctly, it will show that the payment is successful. It's as simple as that! If you don't succeed, you don't have enough money in Taobao or your verification code is not entered correctly!