suppose you can't repay in time on the last repayment date, but you can repay on time within the grace period, or the minimum repayment is calculated according to the normal repayment. If you still fail to repay the loan within the grace period, there will be your overdue record in the issuing bank. If the repayment is not made in time for more than 15 days, the issuing bank will report it to the People's Bank of China Credit Information System. If it is more than 9 days, it is seriously overdue. Credit will be seriously affected. It will have an impact on future loans or credit card applications. More than 9 days, and the amount owed exceeds 5 yuan, which belongs to financial fraud, and the bank has the right to sue you.
It is recommended to repay the loan in time. If the funds are insufficient, you can handle the installment or minimum repayment. If you can't do it again, you can find an intermediary to pay for it, so as to solve the urgent need.
Credit is precious, so be sure to cherish it!