The approval rate of applying for a credit card after being blacklisted by the bank is very, very low. You can try. In order to improve the card issuance rate, it is recommended to provide as many financial certificates as possible when applying: it can be salary records and income tax withholding certificates issued by banks, and it can also be documents that prove the market value of houses, cars, deposits and investments (such as a copy of real estate license/car driving license/bank time deposit certificate) and other materials that can prove your financial level.
In general, credit card application conditions:
1, age18;
2. Hold a valid ID card;
3. No bad credit record;
4. Have a fixed work certificate;
5 proof of income stamped with the financial seal of the unit;
6. Other financial certificates, such as real estate, automobiles, stocks and bonds. ;
7. Social endowment insurance certificate;
8. Provide two contacts.
The first three conditions must be met, and trying to provide 4-7 proof materials will improve the success rate and credit limit of card processing.