When a credit card is lost, it must be replaced in time. The first thing is to call the bank’s customer service number and choose manual service to report the loss of your credit card. But this alone is not formal. After calling the phone to report the loss, you must go to the bank counter in time to formally report the loss, and you must bring your personal ID card. If you have also lost your ID card, bring your household registration book or other documents that can prove your identity. something. If you choose to replace your card, you will also have to pay a certain replacement fee.
1. Credit card replacement process:
The first step is to report the loss. When a credit card is lost, the user must first go to the bank to report the loss. This time is best controlled within 24 hours. Of course, there are many ways to report loss, such as mobile banking, customer service hotline, bank counter, etc.
The second step is to apply again. Of course, it is more appropriate for users to handle this process at the counter. During the process, they can also ask bank staff about credit card information. In addition to re-applying at the counter, users can also re-apply by phone. In this way, they can directly access the manual service and tell the staff on the phone to prepare to re-apply for the credit card.
The third step is to mail the new card. The bank will issue a new card based on the user's request and mail it to you. When the new card is received, the user can reactivate it.
Repayment issues after credit card loss is reported: If the user does not receive a new card on the repayment date. Then pay off the balance on the old card first. If a new card has been successfully applied for before the repayment date, but the card has not been received, the cardholder can consult the bank’s customer service, ask for the new card number, and make repayment to the new card number; if the new card has been obtained , the repayment will be carried out according to the normal credit card repayment method.
1. Credit card application process:
1. First, you need to choose a bank. You can choose from the perspective of whether there are branches nearby, annual fees, card discounts, and handling fees. Starting from various aspects such as the situation.
2. After deciding on a bank, go to its branch to get a credit card application form or download an application form online. After filling out the application form carefully and truthfully, you need to prepare the following information: ID card and copy, employment certificate and copy, as well as some real estate certificates, deposit certificates, academic certificates, etc. that can add points to your review. Then you can hand it over or mail it to the bank you applied for.
3. The next step is to wait patiently for the review process. Because credit card review is generally more strict, commercial banks take about 15 days and state-owned banks take about a month to give a reply. Whether you have passed the review and credit How much is the amount?
4. After receiving the reply, if successful, you only need to wait patiently for the credit card to be mailed to you. If it doesn't work, you can prepare enough information and try another bank again.