When a credit card is bound to a debit card from a peer or other bank, if you set up automatic deductions upon maturity and activate the automatic repayment function, you need to ensure that the debit card is debited on each due repayment date. If the funds in the card are enough to pay the credit card bill, the bank will automatically deduct the minimum repayment amount or the entire repayment amount according to your settings.
If there is not enough balance in the card, the deduction will fail.
If your debit card does not have enough balance at the time and you do not want to transfer it to the debit card through other methods, you can just transfer it by yourself before the due date of repayment through cash, other debit card accounts or Alipay WeChat, etc. You can repay via transfer through a third-party repayment channel, and the repayment is valid.