After you successfully apply for e-Lending, your credit card limit may be affected. Please pay attention to your credit card available limit at any time. The occupied credit card limit will be restored one period after repayment, and the restored part can be applied for e-financing loan again; for customers without credit cards, their e-financing loan limit will also be restored one period after repayment, and the restored part can be applied for e-financing loan again. . RongeLending loan funds cannot be used to repay credit card debts. Use the loan funds according to the purposes agreed between the application for e-Lending and our bank. The current loan purposes are mainly consumption, decoration, purchase of family cars, domestic and overseas travel, and capital turnover. Loan funds may not flow into the securities market or futures market in any form and may not be used for equity investment or real estate project development. They may not be used to purchase houses, financial products, investment account trading products, or bonds. , shall not be used for lending, shall not be used for purposes prohibited or restricted by laws, regulations, rules and normative documents of other countries or by ICBC.
(Answer time: January 23, 2020. In case of business changes, please refer to the actual situation.)