the cash advance limit is set according to your card usage, and it is included in the credit limit of a credit card. Generally, the accumulated cash withdrawal limit does not exceed 5% of your credit limit (1% can be advanced for YOUNG cards). Please call the 24-hour customer service hotline of the credit card for details. In addition, according to the relevant regulations of the People's Bank of China, the daily cash advance amount of each card in China does not exceed RMB 2,; The cumulative amount of cash advanced by each overseas household shall not exceed the equivalent of $1, per day, $5, within one month and $1, within six months. Borrowing cash in advance will generate corresponding handling fees and interest. Handling fee: the handling fee is calculated at 1% of each cash advance in domestic RMB, with a minimum charge of ¥1 yuan, and the handling fee is calculated at 3% of each cash advance in overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), with a minimum charge of ¥3 yuan or $3. Interest: Cash advance transactions are not entitled to interest-free repayment. From the trading day, interest will be charged at the daily interest rate of .5 ‰ until the settlement date, with compound interest on a monthly basis.