If you are smart, pay back the credit card first, and then JD.COM and the loan will pay back a little every month. This is the foundation of retaining credit information! Remember to change banks first, and other online loans can be repaid in part every month, not all! But this cycle cannot exceed half a year! You have to go your own way, or your credit will be completely black in a year or so.
In fact, both JD.COM gold bars and Alipay loans are loan relationships, which will be recorded in the credit information system! The consequences of overdue are the same. When the funds are overdue due to insufficient turnover, you should first contact the customer service of both parties and express your willingness to repay, but it will take time to see if it can help you postpone or installment, and then decide whether to return the JD.COM gold bars or credit cards first according to the customer service feedback! If the communication is not smooth, the small amount will be given priority, because the credit is recorded by the number of times, so try not to be overdue! In the era of big data, credit reporting is really important. Don't think that if I don't buy a house, a car or a loan, I can't help you, and there is no loss! Don't think like that!