Expand the activation process of bank of communications credit card data
Step 1: Sign the card letter.
After receiving the credit card, the cardholder copies and signs his name and date in the "Declaration and Signature" column on the back of the card letter sent with the card.
Step 2: Point activation
Before the last activation date shown in the card letter (inclusive), the cardholder must bring the original ID card used in the application, the credit card attached to the card letter and the copied and signed original card letter to the counter of any branch of Bank of Communications for activation.
Step 3: Password Settings
After the cardholder activates the card at the Bank of Communications counter, he sets a 6-digit transaction password.
After the credit card is activated successfully, the cardholder can determine whether to set the transaction password according to the previous application requirements. Prior to this, the application form checked "Use password to confirm the transaction when consuming", so the cardholder should set a 6-digit transaction password and confirm it; If you don't check this option, you can still open it in the above way later.
Bank of Communications-Credit Card Activation