One of the credit card overdraft repayment methods: minimum repayment. All credit cards have a minimum repayment function. As long as the minimum repayment is paid, the bank will not charge late fees and will not affect your personal credit. , generally the minimum repayment amount is 10 or 5 of the total bill amount. Therefore, using the minimum repayment method to repay within the credit limit is one of the ways to alleviate short-term financial pressure.
Credit Card Overdraft Repayment Method Two: Apply for Credit Card Installment When you are short of funds, you can apply to the bank for consumption installment or bill installment, and choose the number of installments according to your repayment ability, which can ease your repayment. It will not affect your credit even if you are under repayment pressure, and the installment fees charged by banks are often lower than the interest required for the minimum repayment.
Credit card overdraft repayment method three: change the billing date. The above are some countermeasures for credit card overdrafts that cannot be replaced by swiping the card. For cash withdrawal and overdrafts, you can choose some repayment models, but you must choose a formal repayment method. mechanism.