If you apply for a card online, you should be asked to fill in your home address and work address. You can choose one of these two addresses as the address where the bank will send you the card and bills. If you don't fill in the address, If it is complete, it doesn't matter. You can ask the bank to approve it first. After the approval is passed, you can call the CCB credit card customer service hotline to change the address.
At the same time, if you apply for a card through the CCB website for the first time and do not verify the online banking shield, after the bank's pre-approval is passed, there will be an interview process. The host needs to bring his ID card with him within 30 days of receiving the interview SMS. Use the application code in the CCB interview SMS to go to any outlet in the city where the billing address you filled in when applying for the card is located. The interview procedure is very simple. The branch staff will not ask any questions, they will just ask you to sign for confirmation. After the interview is completed, the card will be released unless there are special circumstances. On the other hand, if the pre-approval is not passed, the bank will directly reject it, and there will be a text message notification. The entire approval time will be 10 working days at the fastest. Of course, if there are many people applying for the card, it may be extended
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