The credit card has been idle for a long time. If you apply for a credit card, it has been idle, and some banks may reduce your credit limit. If there is really little demand for credit cards, cancel them as soon as possible to avoid annual fees and other expenses. If the credit card is not used for a long time, it is either because the amount is low and the capital turnover is inconvenient, or because the bank discount is not enough. In order to avoid this situation leading to a reduction in the amount, it is recommended that you choose a credit card according to your own consumption needs.
3. The credit card amount is small, and the monthly credit card amount is very small, even lower than 10% of the credit amount, so the bank will feel that the demand for your credit card is not great, and it will also reduce your credit card limit.
4. The phone number for applying for cash withdrawal is not a binding number. Many card friends apply for cash withdrawal without a binding number. If the bank finds out, it may give you a reduction. So, don't trust the so-called intermediary phone.
5. If the long-term yq or yq amount is large, the bank with large long-term yq or yq amount will reduce the amount and then close the card. Moreover, yq will be recorded in personal credit information, which will affect subsequent loans and card processing.
You can get a credit card analysis report through card review, which will analyze your credit card consumption behavior, credit card consumption characteristics and credit card transaction behavior, and then help users analyze your withdrawal probability and risk index.