2. Rich people will make use of the overdraft function of credit cards. Even many rich people earn their wealth by overdraft. How many people can become rich if they only rely on their own work to accumulate wealth? Credit card overdraft consumption is actually equivalent to an interest-free loan from the bank to credit card holders. Although the term is relatively short, for the rich, they can do a lot of things with this money. For example, if someone makes a consumption of 5, yuan and pays with cash or debit card, his wealth will be directly reduced by 5, yuan. But if you pay by credit card, because the money in the credit card belongs to the bank, your wealth has not decreased at this time, but you owe the bank 5 thousand. Because credit cards have a certain interest-free repayment period, if it is 5 days, then this person can invest 5, of his wealth in these 5 days, and then return 5, to the bank at the end of the interest-free period, but the expected income brought by the investment is in his own pocket. Even if the expected return on investment is 5%, the expected return of 5, yuan for 5 days is thousands, which is equivalent to the income of an ordinary office worker for one month. Why not?
3. Credit cards make it more convenient for the rich to spend. For those who have no money, the usual consumption may be tens, hundreds or thousands. It is enough to use cash to swipe WeChat and Alipay. But for the rich, they usually spend tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions, so they can't run with so much cash, can they? Both WeChat and Alipay have a certain payment limit, which is naturally not enough for large-scale consumption, but it is much more convenient to have a credit card.
Conclusion: It can be seen that the richer people are, the more they like credit cards. Of course, banks also like to issue credit cards to rich people, so this can also be said to be a win-win situation. Author: Long Xiaolin/Audit: Zhao Xi > > read more