Forget it. Generally speaking, the number of online purchases using a credit card is also included in the number of credit card swipes. After all, online consumption behavior also uses the credit limit of the credit card. However, it should be noted that some banks have special regulations on this. Online credit card transactions may not record the number of credit card swipes. Different banks have different regulations. In some cases, the number of credit card swipes will be counted and points will not be accumulated. Users who are accustomed to using credit cards for online shopping but rarely spend at card machines need to pay attention. For specific circumstances, they can call the customer service hotline of the card-issuing bank and ask whether the number of credit card uses includes the number of online purchases.
How to check the number of credit card swipes?
You can log in to the official credit card website, check transaction details, and clearly check the number of credit cards; you can also call the bank's credit card center and ask customer service staff to check the number of credit cards. ; Banks now have official accounts or applications, and users can also view credit card swiping records on these platforms.