First of all, you should make sure whether the money is cashed out by credit card or lent out in the name of the company. This is a completely qualitative problem. ...
If it is in the name of the company, it will be easier. If the company is established as a limited liability company, after all the assets (current+fixed) on the company's books are compensated to the bank, what remains is the loss of the bank (in other words, you have earned).
If it is a sole proprietorship, self-employed company with no registered capital, in principle, it is necessary to bear compensation indefinitely, but there are some ways to do this. I don't know exactly. Let your friend's father ask his friend for help.
If you cash it with a personal credit card ... well, if you don't pay it within six months, a court summons will be sent to his home. If you don't pay it after a period of time (I forget it after 3 months or 6 months), I'm afraid you will be sent to prison through legal procedures ... Similarly, during this 6+3 (or 6) month period, interest will still be calculated. ...
Moreover, cashing out a credit card is a crime in itself. I looked it up online and explained a lot.