Official website:
Current version: 1.5.5
JQuery version is required: 1.2.6+, compatible with 1.3.2.
& lt script src = "../js/jquery.js" type = "text/JavaScript" > & lt/script & gt;
& lt script src = "../js/jquery.validate.js" type = "text/JavaScript" > & lt/script & gt;
(1) required: true required field.
(2) Remote: "check.php" uses ajax method to call check.php to verify the input value.
(3) E-mail: true You must enter the e-mail in the correct format.
(4)url:true You must enter the url in the correct format.
(5)date:true You must enter the date in the correct format.
(6)dateISO:true You must enter the date (ISO) in the correct format, for example, 2009-06-23, 1998/0 1/22 only verifies the format, but not the validity.
(7) Number: True, legal number (negative number, decimal number) must be entered.
(8) Number of digits: true must be an integer.
(9) Credit card: A legal credit card number must be entered.
(10) equals: "#field" input value must be the same as #field.
(1 1) Accept: enter a string with a legal suffix (the suffix of the uploaded file).
(12)maxlength:5 Enter a string with a maximum length of 5 (Chinese characters are counted as one character).
(13)minlength: 10 Enter a string with a minimum length of 10 (Chinese characters are counted as one character).
(14) Range length: [5, 10] Enter a string whose length must be between 5 and 10 "(Chinese characters are counted as one character).
(15) Range: [5, 10] The input value must be between 5 and 10.
(16)max:5 The input value cannot be greater than 5.
(17)min: 10 The input value cannot be less than 10.
Example: Customize the rules of password authentication