Generally, credit cards are used well. Usually, credit card spending is more, and the amount of credit cards used is also faster. In addition, ordinary bank card holders can also take the initiative to apply for withdrawal if their credit cards have been spent continuously for more than 3 months.
Because it takes different time for each bank to take the initiative to apply for withdrawal:
1. General banks need cardholders to use their credit cards continuously for more than 3 months before they can apply for withdrawal;
2. Banks such as Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, ICBC and China Construction Bank need to use credit cards for more than 6 months;
How to increase the credit card limit,
1. Increase the frequency of swiping cards and accumulate data in the system as much as possible; The reference number is about 25 times a month;
2. Increase the credit card limit, and the bill for each period shall not be less than 80% of the total amount;
3. Repay in time and maintain a good credit record. (Going in the day before the billing date can reduce the debt of the credit report)
4. Use credit cards as widely as possible. Only by increasing the frequency of use and consumption categories can we lay a good foundation for cash withdrawal.
5. Try to choose POS machines that can be consumed with points, and maximize the accumulation of points during the activities of banks or merchants.
6. You can choose an appropriate amount for installment, which can make the issuing bank earn some money and help to increase the quota.
7. In the process of use, if you add new real estate, such as cars and houses, you can go to the counter of the issuing bank to supplement the information, that is, the new financial certificate. This move is also very effective.
You can keep asking for an increase in the temporary quota.
How to increase the credit card limit,
1. Increase the frequency of swiping cards and accumulate data in the system as much as possible; The reference number is about 25 times a month;
2. Increase the credit card limit, and the bill for each period shall not be less than 80% of the total amount;
3. Repay in time and maintain a good credit record. (Going in the day before the billing date can reduce the debt of the credit report)
4. Use credit cards as widely as possible. Only by increasing the frequency of use and consumption categories can we lay a good foundation for cash withdrawal.
5. Try to choose POS machines that can be consumed with points, and maximize the accumulation of points during the activities of banks or merchants.
6. You can choose an appropriate amount for installment, which can make the issuing bank earn some money and help to increase the quota.
7. In the process of use, if you add new real estate, such as cars and houses, you can go to the counter of the issuing bank to supplement the information, that is, the new financial certificate. This move is also very effective.
You can keep asking for an increase in the temporary quota.