If you want a loan, you must check your personal credit record. Of course, personal credit records now play a very important role in society, so you must ensure that your personal credit record does not appear. bad information. However, some people check their credit reports and find that there is no credit record in their personal credit reports.
If there is no credit record in the personal credit report, it means that the user has not applied for a loan
You can check your personal credit report at relevant institutions or on the Internet. Each person has two If you want to make a third inquiry, you will have to pay a certain fee. If you do not find this person’s credit record in your personal credit record, it may be because of this I have never taken out a loan, and I have never applied for a credit card.
Have never applied for a credit card
If this person has never done any credit activity from a financial institution, then there will be no relevant information in this person's personal credit record. If this person has never applied for a credit card or debit card, then there will be no credit record in the credit report at this time, because this person has not used a bank card for consumption at all, so of course there will be no credit record in the personal record. Display relevant information. So if you check the credit report and find that there is no credit record on the credit report, it means that this person is a white account.
So if there is no credit record in a person’s credit report, it means that the person has not handled the relevant loan business, which means that the person has never had any financial transactions with the relevant institutions. Of course, everyone You can also apply for credit cards and corresponding loan services. In real life, it is actually necessary for everyone to apply for a credit card, because it is more convenient to use a credit card for consumption. Many institutions support credit card payment, but during this process, you must not be overdue.