The safety of credit card use is very important for cardholders, because if you are not careful, you may be in debt, so all you have to do is to protect your credit card information. As these criminals also learn to keep up with the times Now, various high-tech fraud techniques make it difficult for you to guard against. How to protect your credit card information?
How to protect your credit card information
1. Keep your ID card, bank card, and credit card safe. If lost, report the loss immediately. At the same time, do not disclose your ID card, bank card, etc. to others easily. Card information, passwords and verification codes will not be disclosed to anyone.
2. Do not trust or call back unusual messages or phone calls received, and do not open links to unfamiliar web pages.
3. On the back of the credit card, there is a three-digit CVV2 code after the signature line, which can usually be covered with tape. This code is used for non-direct card swiping transactions, such as online payment transactions. Without the three codes, even "clone cards" cannot be stolen.
4. Open text message reminders for bank account changes, pay attention to account changes, and regularly check account fund transaction details and balances. In fact, this is not very useful. Generally, SMS reminders are not sent when the amount does not exceed 10 yuan, so criminals may take advantage of this loophole and set the fund to 9.99 yuan. After paying multiple times, your credit card will be stolen. But it is still good to open it. As long as it is not caused by you, the responsibility lies with the bank.
5. Multi-channel binding transaction reminder. For example, you can bind the WeChat service accounts of various banks to prevent bank text message notifications from being intercepted by scammers and the money being swiped without even knowing it!
6. If your mobile phone is lost, you should contact the bank and third-party payment platform as soon as possible to cancel the relevant mobile phone binding business, or take methods such as reporting the loss or freezing the account to protect your money.