For example: ● Mr. Zhang’s bill date is the 10th of each month ● The current bill printed by the bank for Mr. Zhang on April 10 includes his period from March 11 to April 10 All transaction accounts ● Mr. Zhang only made one purchase in this month’s billing cycle - on March 30, the consumption amount was RMB 1,000; ● Mr. Zhang’s current bill printing "Amount payable in this period" is RMB 1,000 , the "minimum repayment amount" is 100 yuan; ● Under different repayment situations, Mr. Zhang's recurring interest is: (1) If Mr. Zhang repays 1,000 yuan in full on May 5, then on May 10 The recurring interest in the statement = 0 yuan (2) If Mr. Zhang only repaid the minimum repayment amount of 100 yuan on May 5, and the 100 yuan was repaid on May 1, then the recurring interest on the statement on May 10 The specific calculation of interest = 20.50 yuan is as follows: 1,000 yuan X .