This is a kind of protection provided by the bank to you. Avoid losing your cards due to loss. This is a kind of protection provided by the bank to you. In fact, you can also download this bank’s app. Then set the transaction limit to zero. No matter who picks up your card, they will not be able to make any purchases. Relatively speaking, it is much safer.
CITIC Bank credit cards are pretty good, with the following main advantages:
1. CITIC Bank issues many types of credit cards with various themes, and the threshold for some credit cards is not high, such as QQ Caibei co-branded card is easy to apply for, but the limit is not necessarily high.
2. After applying for a CITIC Bank credit card online, if you are successfully approved, you will receive an official message from CITIC Bank asking you to bring your ID card to the bank business hall. This is also It means that the credit card application has been successfully applied and requires a personal signature for confirmation.
3. The customer service attitude of CITIC Bank is quite good. Whether you go to the business hall of CITIC Bank or call the official customer service of CITIC Bank, you will get a satisfactory answer quickly. However, after all, CITIC Bank does not have as many branches as the four major banks, so it may not be very convenient in some smaller places.
4. CITIC Bank offers many credit card discounts, and if you choose CITIC credit card for the first time to pay on Taobao, you can get discounts, watch movies for 9 yuan, and get cash back when swiping some cards.
Advantages: 1. Lots of activities, especially eating and brushing. 2. You can get a lifetime annual fee exemption by fooling the customer service. 3. Points are easy to get. 4. If you use your card well, there will be so-called "credit money" and "new express" services, and you will have more money to spend on wool. 5. The installment amount is relatively high and does not account for the quota. 6. Swipe the Gold Card 5 times to avoid the annual fee for the following year.
1. The installment fee is very high. 2. SMS reminder fee. 3. The interest-free period is not long. 4. Risk control is very strict. 5. Few outlets. Online banking is rubbish. 6. Points are not permanently valid; 7. When calling customer service, you need to enter your ID number or card number. 8. You must swipe it once within 30 days after the card is approved, otherwise you will be charged an annual fee;
CITIC's There are many specialty cards and co-branded cards, and many of them have always been stars in the card industry, such as the famous CITIC i Platinum Credit Card, which offers double points for online shopping, 1,000 yuan/2 hours flight delay insurance, 5 million aviation accident insurance, etc. , and it is free of annual fees; for example, CITIC Xiaobai Card, which is the JD Baitiao co-branded card, can be used to repay the Baitiao, extend the interest-free period, and you can also swipe the card to accumulate steel and spend it as money; and there are also Priority Club co-branded cards, MasterCard Titanium cards, etc., have attracted much attention.