However, regarding credit card repayment, there are three very important time nodes, which will be very troublesome if you make mistakes carelessly. You may or may not know these things, but I suggest you read them carefully for our own benefit.
Credit card billing date and repayment date and time
When it comes to credit card repayment, we must first distinguish the difference between credit card repayment date and billing date.
1, credit card billing date
The credit card billing date refers to the date when the bank settles the credit card account in the current period, that is, the date of monthly billing, and the current account consumption amount between the previous billing date and the current billing date. The time is set before the credit card is issued. Some banks can change their bills by phone, while others can't.
2. Credit card repayment date
Credit card repayment date refers to the final repayment time stipulated by the bank for credit card accounts. You can pay off your debts within the repayment time and enjoy interest-free. If it exceeds the time, it will cause overdue and overdue fees.
3. Relationship between billing date and repayment date
There is a correlation between the billing date and the repayment date. When the bill comes out, it means that it needs to be repaid this month. There will be a buffer period between the bill date and the repayment date of the general bank. This period is also called interest-free period, the longest is 50-56 days, and the shortest is 18-20. The data are for reference only.
Credit card interest-free period
The interest-free period of a credit card is actually the period from the billing date to the repayment date. In the meantime, as long as we pay the current bill in one lump sum, we don't have to pay any other fees.
Interest-free period can be divided into the longest and shortest interest-free period.
The longest interest-free period: the consumption on the next day of the billing date is included in the next billing date, and the period before the next repayment date is called the longest interest-free period.
Shortest interest-free period: If we spend on the current billing date, then we have to repay before the repayment date of this period, and the middle period naturally becomes the shortest interest-free period.
It is worth mentioning that the shortest interest-free period and the longest interest-free period of Guangfa Bank are 56 days and 20 days respectively.
Credit card repayment arrival time
The time of credit card repayment is also a problem that we often ignore. Sometimes we will choose to remember to repay the loan on the day when the repayment period expires, or for various reasons, repay the loan on the day when the loan expires.
Many people mistakenly think that repayment is repayment. In fact, the bank calculates our repayment time according to the time when the repayment arrives.
Many channels of credit card repayment will have delay time, so in order to avoid overdue behavior caused by delay, we should try our best to return the money before the repayment period expires.
The following is the arrival schedule of some credit card repayment channels listed by me. The form is for reference only, please refer to the actual situation!