Which bank is the best for credit card installment purchases? Nowadays, many people use credit cards to purchase cars in installments. Currently, the most popular banks that use credit cards to purchase cars in installments include Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
Which bank is the best for credit card installment car purchases?
1. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the first choice for many people to handle banking services. The ICBC credit card car purchase installment limit is as high as 1.5 million, which is the highest among credit card installment limits. The car purchase installment business limits of China Construction Bank and China Merchants Bank, which are the four major commercial banks, are only about 500,000 and 700,000. If you want to buy a good car If you want a car, you can choose Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
2. Agricultural Bank of China
Agricultural Bank of China’s credit card offers zero interest on car purchases in installments, which is popular among many people who want to buy cars. Moreover, the processing fee for installment car purchases with Agricultural Bank of China's credit cards is the lowest among all banks' credit card installment car purchases.
The car purchase installment fee rates of Agricultural Bank of China for the 12th, 24th and 36th phases are 4.5%, 7.5% and 10.45% respectively, compared with 5.5% for the 12th phase, 10.5% for the 24th phase and 10.5% for the 24th phase of China Merchants Bank. The handling rate of 14.5% for 36 periods is much more favorable. Therefore, Agricultural Bank of China credit card installment is the choice of many car owners.
3. Bank of China
The handling fees for car purchase installments with Bank of China credit cards are also lower, which is more favorable than that of China Merchants Bank.
If you want to buy a car worth 300,000 yuan in 36 installments, the handling fee for three years will be 31,500 yuan if you use a credit card at Bank of China; The handling fee is 43,500 yuan, so Bank of China is quite cost-effective.
The above three banks are the first choices for people to apply for credit card installment purchases of cars. The reason why installment car purchases using credit cards from Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is cost-effective is because the car installment fee rates of these three banks are quite low and will not cause too much pressure.