Online shopping has gradually become a trend. Many users know that the bank card used to pay for online shopping must be enabled for online banking before payment can be made. This makes many credit card holders worry that the credit card has not been enabled for online banking. Online payment is not possible. If you want to open online banking with a credit card, users can handle online banking services through the bank's official website or at the bank counter. 1. The official website of the bank's credit card center is opened: First, cardholders need to log in to the bank's official website, find the option of "Personal Online Banking", and click "Register"; then the system will display "Instructions for Online Self-Service Registration", and after reading it, the user clicks "Register" "Personal Internet Banking"; to enter the registration operation, you need to fill in the registration-related information according to the prompts, such as credit card number, password, verification code, etc. After completing the filling, you can submit it. Note that generally online self-service registration online banks do not have payment functions, and users can only perform account inquiries and other operations. 2. Bank branch opening: Users need to bring valid ID documents and credit cards to bank branches to open online banking services. After arriving at the bank branch, directly tell the bank staff your needs. If you are unclear, the staff will teach you. Users only need to You need to sign a contract to activate online banking. The online banking opened at the counter has online payment function. Is it necessary to open online banking with a credit card? The main function of a credit card is to allow cardholders to swipe their cards for consumption. Users can consume first and then repay, and they can also enjoy the interest-free period. Generally, if you want to shop online, you need to open online banking, but In fact, users can directly use an ordinary bank card to join online banking without opening online banking, and then add a credit card, so that they can also use the credit card for online shopping. After activating credit card online banking, users can check credit card consumption details and billing status through online banking, and can also perform credit card repayment operations through online banking. There is a risk of password leakage when opening credit card online banking. Generally, it is not recommended that users open credit card online banking. However, if users often shop online, it is more convenient to activate online banking. Whether to activate it depends on the user's use of credit cards.