The consequence of repaying credit cards and small loans is that there is high interest. Of course, if the repayment is done maliciously, it is a kind of fraud and may also constitute criminal law. The crime of credit card fraud will also have a huge impact on an individual's credit, and there will be some stains. 1. High interest rates and late payment fees. Cardholders who do not repay the credit card will no longer enjoy the interest-free period of the credit card. Interest will be calculated at 0.05% per day starting from the day of consumption, and compound interest will be calculated on a monthly basis. A debt of tens of thousands of yuan will accrue thousands of yuan in interest within a few days. The longer the period, the higher the interest. If the credit card is not repaid in time after the interest-free period of the credit card, the bank will charge the credit card holder a late payment fee, which is 5% of the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount. After a certain period of time, the bank will charge the card holder a higher penalty interest. . 2. Personal credit stains: Personal credit record is very important. As long as you have applied for a credit card or a loan, you will know. Once your credit record has stains, it will be difficult to apply for a credit card. This is not the most troublesome. The worst thing is that if you want to buy a house in the future and your credit is stained, the loan amount of the mortgage loan will be smaller than others, and the interest rate will be higher than others. If the application is seriously overdue or you even want to pay more interest, the bank will not lend to you. . 3. The credit card is suspended. If the credit card is not repaid, the bank will take back the revolving credit granted to the cardholder, and the credit card will be suspended. For repeated repayment arrears or long-term arrears of large amounts, the bank will consider the cardholder to have a higher risk of repayment, and will stop using the credit card and recover the arrears from the cardholder. This will cause the bank to encounter problems. If the credit card debt is still not repaid after collection, the bank may apply to auction the cardholder's other fixed assets. 4. Malicious debts will be punished. Credit card debts that have not been repaid for more than three months will be regarded as malicious overdrafts, and the bank can initiate judicial proceedings. my country's criminal law stipulates that if a credit card overdraft exceeds 50,000 yuan, the debt is in arrears for more than 3 months, and the bank refuses to repay after three or more reminders, the judicial authorities will take corresponding measures (criminal detention for less than 50,000 yuan).