Do you believe it? Credit card? Everyone knows something about it. Basically, everyone will have a credit card, but do you know why credit cards can be used directly for consumption without money? In fact, it's because there is an overdraft limit given by the bank in the credit card, which means we can spend it directly. There is no deposit in it, and the bank will help advance it, but the bill will be issued after the bank advances it. We just need to return all the consumption amount before the repayment period.
It seems that credit cards can help us a lot. When we have no money to spend urgently, credit cards can help us solve this urgent need. Just like this news, what should blind bosses and sick employees do without the help of credit cards at such an emergency rescue moment in the hospital? It can be said that the credit card saved the sick employees.
Of course, credit cards can only be used by ourselves to help us solve our urgent needs. After all, you still have to pay back the money you spent on your credit card, which means that the money you spent is still your own. Therefore, consumers must spend reasonably when using credit cards, and never overspend, otherwise the repayment pressure will eventually increase, and the loss will outweigh the gain.
In fact, some people like to use credit cards very much, and some people hate it because they feel that they are overdrawing the future. So what do you think of this matter? Please leave a message in the comments section.