Repayment will determine the loan amount and interest rate according to the user's credit situation. The better the user's credit status, the higher the loan amount and the lower the loan interest rate. The worse the user's credit situation, the lower the user's loan amount and the higher the loan interest rate.
We also provide users with three loan terms: 3, 6 and 12. Users can choose the loan term that suits them according to their own needs. The actual interest rate is determined according to the comprehensive credit evaluation of users. The loan amount, loan interest rate and loan term are different, and users need to take the results displayed on the approval page as the standard.
In general, the interest paid back is half of the installment interest of the bank credit card bill. That is to say, the annual repayment interest rate is less than 10%, and the annual interest is less than 10000 yuan. However, if the user repays the loan in advance, the full interest of the remaining installments will be charged.
When using the loan provided by repayment, users should maintain good repayment habits, repay on time and not overdue.